Showcase of work

Truscott Street

Truscott Street

This home needed to tick a few of boxes for the owner. Firstly, it needed to be disability friendly. Secondly, it’s a passive house (passivhaus), and finally, it’s a gorgeous, luxurious home! Quite often form has to give in to function, or visa-versa, but not in this case. Every care was taken through the build with the client to ensure that every element that went into the home ticked all three of those requirements, ultimately ensuring the owner can enjoy this stunning, highly efficient home for many years to come
Parry brought with him a team of courteous tradesman that took pride in their workmanship and their attention to detail was unsurpassed. The end result speaks for itself!


2017 HIA Special purpose housing
2018 HIA National Special Purpose housing
2017 MBA medium density housing/dual occupancy
2017 MBA sustainable construction residential project
2017 MBA national environment and energy efficiency residential building

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