Open Homes Australia


Wamboin - Duntroon cottage

30 minutes’ drive outside Canberra, this spectacular 1915 Cottage restoration/extension boasts almost 180 degree views and beautiful finished features that ties the restoration into to the surrounds beautiful without removing the historical value the cottage possess.

See how a small cottage was transported by truck to a hill outside of Canberra, become a glorious manor.
Featured in ‘Open Homes Australia’, Series 1, 2018.

Truscott St, Campbell

This home needed to tick a few of boxes for the owner. Firstly, it needed to be disability friendly.
Secondly, it’s a passive house (passivhaus), and finally, it’s a gorgeous, luxurious home! Quite often
form has to give in to function, or visa-versa, but not in this case. Every care was taken through the
build with the client to ensure that every element that went into the home ticked all three of those
requirements, ultimately ensuring the owner can enjoy this stunning, highly efficient home for many
years to come

Dirrawan Gardens, Reid

We love heritage work and this project has been no exception! All involved in the project went above and beyond to help ensure the original character of the house flowed through seamlessly into the extension and that no charm was lost in the renovated aspects of the home. The clients were an absolute pleasure to work with and their trust in us to achieve the home they envisaged was not lost on us, it is these kinds of relationships with clients that we value more than anything

Brereton St, Garran

A simple yet spectacular home with a clean, industrial, and minimalist feal. This project was great
fun for both us and the client from the word go! Much of the house was designed and spec’ed as the
house was being constructed which gave the owner an opportunity to get a feel for the spaces and
introduce elements like glass, steel, concrete and recycled timber as the need to achieve atmosphere

Sheehan St, Pearce

A simple yet spectacular home with a clean, industrial, and minimalist feal. This project was great
fun for both us and the client from the word go! Much of the house was designed and spec’ed as the
house was being constructed which gave the owner an opportunity to get a feel for the spaces and
introduce elements like glass, steel, concrete and recycled timber as the need to achieve atmosphere